It's not easy to figure out GPS jammer devices

GPS jammers are available in a variety of sizes and configurations. You are most likely to encounter a design as a fleet operator who has an adapter that contains 1-3 antennas and plugs in the cigarette lighter. These are simply dimmed and only inserted when the driver wants "dark". Since the introduction of GPS technology in 1990, the employees have been using GPS technology. Since then, a cat and mouse game has been held between GPS engineers and employees. In most organizations, employees inform their colleagues of the ability to "beat" the system, resulting in greater use of GPS jammer in stores, regions, or companies.

One Band Handheld GPS blocker

So how do you know someone is using a GPS blocking device to jam the signals? It is not easy. They look to the lack of information to make a determination. Many employers blame the GPS device, cellular loss of service, or the dead zone of the GPS signal. It is very difficult to document the recorded data based on the lack of information to document something. Since most employers do not understand wireless technology, they believe these excuses are in the realm of opportunity so they blame the GPS tracking device.

GPS jammers result in the accidental loss of GPS data. In most cases, it doesn't happen at a specific time on a specific day of the pattern. Employees use signal jammers to do what they need to do around company time, like having lunch with friends, doing business, picking up kids from school, or going home early. These behaviors are mostly random, and this can be an indication. Another clue is to see similar GPS tracking behavior in business units like industries. Since the driver offers the "beating system", others will mimic the behavior you will see over time and increase the accidental loss of GPS data between vehicles. Perhaps the best indication of mobile stuttering is by analyzing the engine diagnostic data. GPS tracking and fleet management systems such as the Geotab system provide a detailed understanding of the vehicle's computer system. This allows you to compare many of the data sources showing cumulative miles, RPMs rising and falling, reducing tank levels, and so on. All of these things cannot solve this mystery, but they create enough environmental evidence to warrant action.