Powerful jammer that shields all 2G 3g 4G 5G phone signals and WIFI 2.4G 5.8G signals

It adopts the electronic countermeasure and transmit the electromagnetic wave to cut off the downlink phone signal and WiFi signal in 50 meter radius range. Then the phone and wifi won’t work in that certain area and people can not receive or transmit phone wifi signal there.
It can jam all 2G 3G 4G 5G phone signal and WiFi signal with large area coverage, efficient jamming effect and complete shield of all phone signals.
It can jam all 2G 3G 4G 5G phone signal and WiFi signal with large area coverage, efficient jamming effect and complete shield of all phone signals.
Customer's Reviews Of This Signal Jammer
Dies ist ein sehr guter Störsender zum Kaufen. Neulich habe ich es als Geburtstagsgeschenk an einen Freund gekauft. Mein Freund sagte, es sei eines der besten Geschenke, die er jemals erhalten habe.
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