In-One GSM UMTS LTE4G WiFi GPS 6 Antennas Cell Phone Jammer

Powerful jammers have a wide range of frequencies including CDMA / GSM, DCS, 3G, 4G LTE, WiMAX 4G, WiFi. The signal strength of a certain area, it has a range of up to 20m interference. Within this range, simply open the jammer, all wireless connections to 2G, 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi, the network will be deactivated at the same time. Compared with other Wi-Fi signal jammers, 4W powerful optional portable 2G 3G 4G cell phone signal jammers and all WiFI has more advanced features and functionality.
Customer's Reviews Of This Signal Jammer
The product performed well and many questions were answered quickly during the purchase process. This device blocks and prevents all devices you want to disturb you! iPhone, BlackBerry, Samsung, WiFi and cordless phones cannot even pass through walls.
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